Saturday, November 23, 2013

New 3D Image Technique

Scientists have developed a new 3D technology to photograph the original object will show exactly the same as the color of the picture as he is in reality located at the University of Dallas Texas Tech researchers have developed.

3D, three dimensional images which show us a picture of the three angle so that they appear exactly real. this technology is everywhere nowadays.

Researchers hope the technology will be more effective in treating a disease for example human organs models show this technique better.

This new technology first works quite fast techniques shape. coating of the object according to the Vassar this technology compared with other techniques to construct fast multiplication 125 photographs. for example a circular picture takes this technique to create 155 seconds whereas the same picture other technical help it's almost over 19500 seconds.

This new 3D image techniques will prove effective in every area and the non-popularity.