The best returns in the name of collective investment schemes (CIS) through the companies raise money from the general public is now well after 25 years as the Government has not market regulator SEBI, which some are right now so fixed on the control that the CIS effective. Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI made more powerful IE. Government has extended its jurisdiction via the new Ordinance .
Chapemari arrest rights
After the amendment to the Act to arrest accused SEBI got right to the recovery of money Besides, home search, lock's right to break even with foreign agencies is marching contingent while being able to gather information from SEBI now any Bank, Board or authority may demand information from the 15-year-old right of action even in cases of SEBI.
CIS initiates eye
Sharda chit fund scam such as the SEBI cases more effectively than before taking action. 100 crores or more regulation of the cases raise money right way, SEBI official plans to be excluded.
Property right of seizure
Failed to follow the instructions of the SEBI occupants to seize bank accounts and properties are now allowed to market regulator.
Court-from kachari
The Government has recognized the legal consent of the SEBI order. this system was introduced in 2007, so that issues can be resolved outside the court system to eliminate a public interest petition in the Delhi High Court in 2011. section 11 of the SEBI after amending the settlement legally valid.
First we could prevent companies amount ikgya. corporate directors from becoming a Director in the company, putting a penalty. now we fine recovery got right to the amount.
UK Sinha
Special rights Ordinance
– SEBI disgarjament also got the order right. it's illegal funds raised by the way and benefits shall have the right of recovery
-Likvidet, bank account attached property and to seize and researching the right also is part of the Ordinance
– SEBI illegal ways to money raised in trial proceedings has launched 550
-125 million complaint cell against HFCs so far has not been paid to the market regulator
-Some fines to 10 years has passed much time engaged
The future of new rights
The Government has made several strong on SEBI mochren. so it will be interesting to see how the use of these new "powers" the regulator where and how these new rights initiates a knowledgeable market positive agreement. there, the securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) giving examples of some of the cases also missed saying that abuse of its power in the coming days by SEBI bhashmasur also be .
Global capital market expert KK Mittal says that SEBI is the scarcity of staff to use these rights effective way is unable to meet the legal recognition of the order kansent ' from a waste of time. some of the decisions, says Mittal, SEBI registered serious objections. There is a major challenge to maintain regulatory reliability. in some cases, SEBI had deliberately delayed the decision Or be seriously late. mg in the case of Capitol service set to SEBI's rebuke it.
Chapemari arrest rights
After the amendment to the Act to arrest accused SEBI got right to the recovery of money Besides, home search, lock's right to break even with foreign agencies is marching contingent while being able to gather information from SEBI now any Bank, Board or authority may demand information from the 15-year-old right of action even in cases of SEBI.
CIS initiates eye
Sharda chit fund scam such as the SEBI cases more effectively than before taking action. 100 crores or more regulation of the cases raise money right way, SEBI official plans to be excluded.
Property right of seizure
Failed to follow the instructions of the SEBI occupants to seize bank accounts and properties are now allowed to market regulator.
Court-from kachari
The Government has recognized the legal consent of the SEBI order. this system was introduced in 2007, so that issues can be resolved outside the court system to eliminate a public interest petition in the Delhi High Court in 2011. section 11 of the SEBI after amending the settlement legally valid.
First we could prevent companies amount ikgya. corporate directors from becoming a Director in the company, putting a penalty. now we fine recovery got right to the amount.
UK Sinha
Special rights Ordinance
– SEBI disgarjament also got the order right. it's illegal funds raised by the way and benefits shall have the right of recovery
-Likvidet, bank account attached property and to seize and researching the right also is part of the Ordinance
– SEBI illegal ways to money raised in trial proceedings has launched 550
-125 million complaint cell against HFCs so far has not been paid to the market regulator
-Some fines to 10 years has passed much time engaged
The future of new rights
The Government has made several strong on SEBI mochren. so it will be interesting to see how the use of these new "powers" the regulator where and how these new rights initiates a knowledgeable market positive agreement. there, the securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) giving examples of some of the cases also missed saying that abuse of its power in the coming days by SEBI bhashmasur also be .
Global capital market expert KK Mittal says that SEBI is the scarcity of staff to use these rights effective way is unable to meet the legal recognition of the order kansent ' from a waste of time. some of the decisions, says Mittal, SEBI registered serious objections. There is a major challenge to maintain regulatory reliability. in some cases, SEBI had deliberately delayed the decision Or be seriously late. mg in the case of Capitol service set to SEBI's rebuke it.