Saturday, November 23, 2013

Afghanistan Against Russia

Pakistan raising of illegal nuclear material by States was the ninth decade of the last century, but he ignores it.

National Security Agency (NSA) according to the document released on Friday by Pakistan raise the revelation of illegal nuclear material, from the arrest of Arshad Pervez Pakistanis in 1987. the u.s. Government then divided into two PAKI methadon, but Ronald Reagan's administration in Afghanistan against Russia given the contribution of Islamabad had decided to ignore it.

NSA, said Pervez case shows how u.s. Government agencies to raise Pakistan's nuclear material to monitor activities and tried to disrupt them. but the Reagan Administration ignored the ban on Pakistan to us non-proliferation law loopholes used. document five, General Zia ul Haq, the then Pakistani rulers to 1987 and u.s. Foreign Minister, Markos has the particularity of meetings between .

Although considered by Pakistan's nuclear campaign Washington Markos eye not mind. "he said, according to the information received confidential u.s. Government nuclear programs visited kahuna Rawalpindi district, located under the Center sensor above the 90 percent level of access hardhat. i.e. Pakistan produce nuclear weapons material. document says Pakistan Pervez use to gain sensitive stuff from us. List of the nuclear material they Pervez. it shows that his activities were part of a larger scheme backed by the Government.

New 3D Image Technique

Scientists have developed a new 3D technology to photograph the original object will show exactly the same as the color of the picture as he is in reality located at the University of Dallas Texas Tech researchers have developed.

3D, three dimensional images which show us a picture of the three angle so that they appear exactly real. this technology is everywhere nowadays.

Researchers hope the technology will be more effective in treating a disease for example human organs models show this technique better.

This new technology first works quite fast techniques shape. coating of the object according to the Vassar this technology compared with other techniques to construct fast multiplication 125 photographs. for example a circular picture takes this technique to create 155 seconds whereas the same picture other technical help it's almost over 19500 seconds.

This new 3D image techniques will prove effective in every area and the non-popularity.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sachin Tendulkar 24th Career Anniversary

"It is true that on a wooden piece made a God, but it is not a common person." lines are part of a TV ad, embarrassingly so it must be the realization that a generation has a player with some interesting moments of my life g, even if they are sitting in the stadium Or in front of the TV. they had today's day (November 15, 1989) tests against Pakistan in Karachi when Undulate via its international cricket debut, hardly anyone thought to be close to the same day his last farewell. whatever the ground 22 yards on 24 years of huge dry pants careers Every player, every athlete, sport a precedent.

15 November 1989 she was on Wednesday when a 16-year-old boy on the debut of their careers against giants Pakistan team landed to the side of Pakistan in the match was also the debut of two players, Ingamar-UL-Haq, War unis and it became the legendary cricketer both too, just difference is that it's both baking player,,,, Some of the hair by some white from commentator became coach, but "God of cricket ' 22-yard pitch AB. ..24 years.

Saccharin Undulate made his whole career nearly 600 players and played against them ranged from ruddiness and Karil. generation of golden era from dhauni Gangly, the player has looked at every age that around any player. ups and downs in their careers has been filled Many times blackhead, injured, out of form, but even his dedication to the game and 24-year-old leaves a distinct impression undisputed careers. Zimbabwe former famous players and the England team's current coach Andy Flower has a Tendulkar's statement had fine statements, celebrity Andy Flower said There are two kinds of cricketers in the world ', has a Tendulkar.And everyone else.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Defaulters Should Be Careful

Karakul district of Rajasthan, surgery and right a Bahu shyamoli villages show battle has pitted on byahta daughters future crisis. it took the last days sitting around 72 villages ruled by decrees that shyamoli Panchayat village people if a surgery in Bahu of the people assigned to the Jaguars 72 villages daughters who are married in shyamoli villageThey will not break their will and laws with the Gujjars leader Colonel Rodi balance villagers. explain attempted, but without success. in the area of stress.

In the case of the three hostages shyamoli village man was still in surgery two other hostage was released.. stress due to villagers close to exit 20 days. information, mahravand of a village maiden public Gurjar surgery village asharam Gurjar was killed a few days after the wedding. asharam went to prison in a case of it after People from the village of Hari Singh Gurjar matrimonial shambolic. case by the Court, where the judge has ruled in favor of the public.

Angered by the decision of surgery that has become their village public abru. He came back to the village and ex-husband marry a person passing-family living. that's where SP fine Maheshwari says the efforts of social case. reconciliation.