Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Great Malala

Long that extends between life and death getting Pakistan's daughter, great yusuphjai malala beaten to death with courage. now malala is once again ascendant right women with intentions to fight. on Monday, the first type your message into the malala makes video, women's development and progress for the rights I am willing to back their full right to them.. their education There must be a shortage.

Malala said in his message, the effect of people's devotions and prayers that I am safe standing fixed. I cannot hear properly and is already getting better. daily is going to improve my health. so inside me then compounded that fighting force with which I can move forward. the people who are personally autographed for me I do something for them I want do something for my country. I.

Significantly, the year the Taliban fight against totalitarianism in 2012 of 15 Taliban attack on the malala tacked was so dangerous was all expectations over the survival of malala. but people new to the malala duaon life treating him fairly in the UK for months.. recently there has been an operation of malala. now he is perfectly healthy.