Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Genetic Techniques

Genetic techniques are used to manipulate DNA through and trees-plants to develop good qualities. genetic disease resistant crops and drought by technology as well as in the production of crops that can be used through the trees-plants has developed such properties, which help them to develop resistance to diseases in ladne. how the same techniques also help food that GM I.e. are modified food known as egrikalchar on the landscape of the country & world today. to ensure food security dimension, courtesans, plant genetics in the very big contribution of saintiston. egrikalchar hybrid seeds to plant genetics scientist new species, the flowers grow. fruit-with a new species of mind. currently the Government and private sector of the field of pundits demand if you in. Want to come in this area, the best career option.
Art and science too
Plant breeding (plant breeding) art and science as well as hobby and business by new plant species, also, the development of new crops and plants hybrid food and nutrition security had worked to strengthen you can contribute your the field professionals a variety of insect species avrodhi, dry and infertile avrodhi badh proper immunization methods developed can save millions of people from starvation and empower it to farmers. samridvi professionals Many work. that is why the study of genetics and plant breeding every day the number of their students. badhti
Essential skills
1. trees-plants per attachment
2. Leadership potential
3. watch connoisseur
4. science to
5. field and lab to try to believe in the continuing
6. ankadon storage and analysis capability
Ejukeshnal kvaliphikeshan
If you have an Indian University or Institute BSC, BSC, BSC pharestri egrikalchar hartikalchar and BSC of biology or final year examination of given you from MSC genetics & plant breeding related applications to enter Corso.
Job prospects
Kri yunivarsitiyon, Central University in shi universities, deemed the plant breeder or Assistant Professor Office job, Jr. of. also Indian Agriculture Research Institute central agricultural research institutions, national agricultural research centers, and the National Bureau of plant anuvanshiki nideshalyon crop research in agricultural research service scientists plant resources reproduction, jenerist, saito genetics as the student to the world class research may have dreamed of Distinguished research institutions, international doctoral research, esosietship and achievements based on international agricultural service niyuktipa. also in various provincial colleges as Assistant Professor. sid national and international research in private companies in the field of demand plenty of pundits. you open people sid company.