Saturday, February 25, 2012

All Is Well

After all the differences and sharing of reports in Team India for the first time, team captain Mahendra Singh of India and dhauni, overtly made clear his side keeping it all in these snide things and all the news is no truth.
India and Australia before the next series of Captain dhauni, the media than the differences between your and sehwag off reports of players in Team India, along with the distance between the tip of. Mahi believes it came out all things where it explains them. without all the cracks in the team based in the dressing room of, Mahi All the better to say dhauni said it all., where things are coming out to me that in some style. dressing room but that discussion is our game and having no effect on the relationships that we all things necessary. to try to move forward by ignore., dhauni and senior players to be lax fielding statements on cleaning, Said, "If you look at the tape of the press conference that day, you will find yourself exactly what I answered and I have to say what it was.
ehwag and reports of differences between running the Mahi said, "at you a little uncomfortable. you think that person ever [who has written] trust on it, and the other person to think maybe he said. but when you do so the conversation arrive to that statement by sehwag Dhoni. defended in which he said that SR fielding The statement on his captain in slow with clear position. "that's right, dhauni. we talk is an issue why. If we do need to talk when we have a problem is the need of the solution is anything negative is the senior player not.. don't need to clear some us. Let us each other On what was said and do sincerely believe that it is not the first time was in England during the 2009 Champions Trophy ", dhauni reports of differences in the team to finish all 15 players in front of the media but was introduced to them in some circumstances there is no reason to.